21 July 2020
To: Standing Committee Cc: Member Committee Secretariats
Dear Colleagues
We are delighted to share with all of you the State of the Region Report: Impact of the Covid-19 Crisis. This report would not be possible without all of your efforts to solicit survey responses from your respective member committees and stakeholders for which we would like to express our great appreciation. We are very grateful for the efforts for the members of the Editorial Committee, outside readers and of course the authors of the report, Mr. Eduardo Pedrosa and Prof Christopher Findlay.
As always, the work of PECC is a community effort that requires us to work together to not only identify the common challenges we face but also suggest ways in which we can overcome them together.
The report is organized in four sections as well as recommendations that arise from the analysis:
Chapter 1: The Economic Impact of the Covid-19 Crisis
Chapter 2: From Survival, Stimulus and Exit Strategies
Chapter 3: Agenda for Cooperation
Chapter 4: Implications for a Post-2020 Vision for APEC
As many of you will be aware, APEC Senior Officials and Ministers Responsible for Trade will be meeting virtually on 24 and 25 July next week. It is our intention to submit the findings of this work as our input into their discussions. We would be very grateful if you could also use share the report amongst your stakeholders who might find this report useful.
The report will be available on the PECC website shortly.
While this has been a significant effort the findings also highlight the importance of regional and international cooperation not only in combating the pandemic but also its economic consequences. As our ability to meet physically is constrained we look to virtual means to convene our community. We will be in touch again shortly on this. However, as the report makes clear while the crisis is impacting our economies in different ways we share a common challenge. In this regard we would like to begin a conversation with you all on the forward program in light of the changes that the crisis is bringing to all of our economies and societies.
Best Regards,
Ambassador Don Campbell Ambassador Su Ge
Co-Chair Co-Chair
Download The PDF Here
Dave MacIntyre
Download the PDF Here
NZPECC has released two new research reports on participation in the global economy undertaken by NZIER . These contain important reflections and recommendations for the business community and the policy machinery of government to consider. The first report is a summary of the implications of global value chain in the agriculture and food and beverage sectors. The second report on the value of global value networks in the high tech sector
NZPECC hosted a successful GVC Roundtable in May 2014 bringing together industry, policy makers and academics. Please see Here for the papers summarising this meeting. NZPECC is now pleased to announce the release of the Global Value Chains Project Work that was undertaken in 2013. Please see Here for more detail on this project.
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